| am overwhelmed as | think and wonder what you must have felt, as you created this beautiful masterpiece! ((. 21-22) The underlined verbal construction expresses the notion of: (A) possible result (B) deductive thought (C) questionable truth (D) undisputable certainty
my card would not process through the pump (¢. 11-12) | will try hard to pay this forward to somebody else in need. (¢. 15) Justifique o emprego das construções verbais sublinhadas e explique o sentido das mesmas no texto.
O terceiro parágrafo relata os resultados de uma pesquisa. Identifique, nesse parágrafo, três verbos típicos do discurso relatado e explique por que a autora emprega o tempo presente.
The ideas expressed in a text might be perceived as true because of the choice and repetition of a specific tense. The verb tense that makes the ideas in the text seem true is: (A) future perfect (B) simple present (C) present perfect (D) present progressive
most people should reach 80 or 90. (!. 31) The function of should in the fragment above is to: (A) give advice (B) clear doubt (©) express possibility (D) impose obligation