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Exercício 10268

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(UERJ - 2008)Número Original: 18Código: 10268

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Informative Texts - Journalistic From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2008
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Good music is said to be eternal The fragment that expresses the idea that music may evoke a sense of wonder and timelessness is the following: (A) “In this era of nationally televised talent shows and test-tube-baby bands, magic is surely lacking in pop.” (¢. 1-2) (B) “the inclusion of such oddities as a can of aerosol bug spray for percussion on their eponymous 1968 debut intensified their aura of weirdness.” (¢. 13-16] (C)_ “But that experimental spirit ensured their place in history, with Beck, David Byrne and Kurt Cobain ranking among their fans.” (£. 16-18) [D) “listening to music that you made 30 years ago, and praising it, that is when you know the music doesn't — really belong to you.” (£. 22-24)

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