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Exercício 9369

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Nova funcionalidade: Provas

Agora você pode fazer provas completas de vestibulares anteriores. Quer conhecer?

Estamos criando um canal no Youtube.

Se inscreva e aprenda o que mais cai de uma forma jamais vista

(UERJ - 2011)Número Original: 16Código: 9369

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Images From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2011
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The picture illustrates the impact of technological innovations m our days. The statement that best conveys the meaning of this image is: (A) However, inventions that alter the way we communicate and entertain ourselves seem harder for our species to swallow gracefully. (/. 2-3) (B) I can’t believe that reality television, video games or the search for the coolest ring tone are proper substitutes for, well, anything. (¢. 12-13) (C) In today’s society, teens are inundated with gadgets. (/. 14) (D) Perhaps the electronic device is being used to keep track of a teen’s whereabouts, (¢. 20-21)

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