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Questão Original (utilizada como base da comparação)

(UERJ - 2012)Número Original: 9Código: 9263


Personal Pronouns Literary Texts
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2012
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I needed it to change. (¢.3) but thinking about it, (¢.9) | wasn't sure | recognised it. (¢. 12) It read: (6.22) O pronome it pode fazer referéncia a termos ou ideias ja enunciados, como nos fragmentos acima. Indique o referente desse pronome em cada um dos fragmentos.

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Resultados Encontrados: 16

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Personal Pronouns - Literary Texts

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Questões Parecidas

1(UERJ- RJ - 2013)Número Original: 21Código: 16022

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Literary Texts UFO (Inglês)
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2013
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Writers use different strategies in order to try to form more effective alliances with readers. The resource used in the last paragraph to establish this alliance is in the use of: {A} nouns in the plural (B] rhetorical questions (C} quotation by authority (D) first person plural pronouns

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2(UERJ- RJ - 2012)Número Original: 21Código: 9160

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Literary Texts
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2012
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The old lady is presented by means of the description of her actions and looks. The passage from the text which best describes her bodily appearance is in (A] she eyed me rapidly, without turning. (4. 15) (B) she fell asleep the moment she inclined her head. (£. 24) (C) she could fit into the palm of your hand. (£. 28-29) (D) the whole of her wrinkled face suddenly gleamed. (£. 35)

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3(UERJ- RJ - 2012)Número Original: 19Código: 9162

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Literary Texts UFO (Inglês)
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2012
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In the third and fourth paragraphs, there are different sensory images, as in the fragment below: | breathed in the delicious smell of the steam rising from the pot. (1.17) In this fragment, the narrator makes use of the following type of imagery: (A) olfactory (B) gustatory [C] acoustic (D) tactile

Opções de Resposta: 

4(UERJ- RJ - 2012)Número Original: 20Código: 9161

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Literary Texts UFO (Inglês)
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2012
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Happiness is a domestic bird in our own courtyards. (£. 19-20) This fragment contains a figure of speech which is labeled as: (A) irony (B} simile (C] metaphor (D) metonymy

Opções de Resposta: 

5(UERJ- RJ - 2012)Número Original: 17Código: 9163

Primeiro exame de qualificação

Literary Texts
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2012
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The first paragraph describes the terrible weather, the physical state of the narrator and his unfavorable view of the village and its inhabitants. From this beginning, one can infer that the narrator did not expect the peasants to (A) suspect him of anything (B) cause him any problems (C] give him a warm welcome (D) consider him a wild stranger

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